Healthy Recipes, Tips, Answers & News

MLC Newsletter March

When someone mentions the word “March”, I think of spring break. A spring break trip to be specific, to get away from the same daily routine in order to do and see something new! Whether it is near or far or a warm or cold climate, the following tips can help keep your body injury and pain-free.Lady with a white dress, suitcases and pink shoes

For those people traveling by plane, the biggest thing to remember is how your body is stressed and moves while you are transporting your luggage. For instance, when you put your carry-on into the overhead bin make sure first to lift in front of your body with your knees, second push the luggage straight up to the height of the overhead bin, and finally push forward into the bin. Remember, do not twist and bend at the same time, because this motion makes your low back muscles and ligaments most vulnerable to injury. If you are transporting luggage that is carried on your shoulder remember to alternate shoulders so you are stressing both sides of your body equally. While on the plane, try to stand up (even right at your seat) and move your body for 30 seconds at least once every hour to increase blood flow to your muscles and decrease stiffness within your joints. When you are getting your luggage out of the carry-on bin, don’t pull repetitively if it appears stuck. Instead, ask another taller passenger for help.

For people traveling by car, the most important tip is to get out frequently to avoid having your body feel fatigued by the vibration of the vehicle. Take “rest stop” breaks every hour or two to get out of the car and walk. Examples are walking circles around the car or walk a circle in the parking lot or walk to the restroom. Walking and stretching helps to bring blood flow to your muscles, and lubricate your joints.

If you experience headaches or other body aches that do not disappear within 24 hours after returning home, you should come in to be evaluated. Different beds, pillows, cars, and activities can cause misalignments.

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Dr. Laura Dronen

Dr. Dronen graduated in 2001 from Northwestern Health Sciences University with a Doctor of Chiropractic Degree. She enjoys treating families including children of all ages, pregnant women and those suffering from injuries (car accidents, work injuries, or sports injuries).
